Forgetting The Expenditure You had Today at the Market, Movie Theater, Or while Commuting.?Are You Worried About The Expenditure You Are Making in a Month?Well This App Lets You Keep Track of Your Money.Things have to be modernized.. Now you can forget the expenditure diary which you keep entering into at the end of each day.. Recalling where and how much you spent. Use this, enter the debits as soon as you make one.
*Easy Access: Add Debits As Soon As They Are Made With The Add Debit Widget,*SMS Scanning: Made A Phone Recharge? Withdrew Money From ATM? Made a Card Purchase While Shopping?? I can Remind You To Add It To your Debits.*Simple Design: Add Your Income As Credit and I shall Calculate The Savings U Made.*Visual Representation: Pie Chart To Show Expenditure Across Various Categories.*Accounting: Store and Review All Your Months Debits And Credits.*Security: Password Protected.*Set Budgets For Your Month: It warns you when you cross the limit *Analyse the Expenditure Better.
This App Is Intended For All... But Is a Necessity For College Students Like Myself.So, If You are a Student.. Believe Me.. You Need It.!
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